Intelligent Consumers of Information: Opportunity Zones

I am incredibly proud of the Challenge By Choice component I have added to my Economics course (you can read more about it here). In short, students can choose how they want to demonstrate economic understanding. I am reminded of the value constantly. None more than June 3, 2020 when a student's work provided me important perspective and intelligently interpret current events.

Tweet from 6/2/2020

President Trump tweeted about Opportunity Zones the night before. I did not know what opportunity zones were in September, but thanks to a student's work, I learned about them and their (unintended) consequences and how they were being misused.

One of my goals is to help my students be intelligent consumers of the news. Without this student's work I would not have been able to understand this misleading program.

Thanks to a student (permission granted, but identity withheld) for sharing some of his work that he did researching Opportunity Zones.




Connections: Challenge By Choice